Calibr8 Downloader V1.0.1.0. New software specially written to download PAT tester results to a computer. Very easy to install and use.
This set includes a USB data lead, and instruction manual tailored to suit the Kewtech KT77 PAT tester.
Test results can be printed out or cut/paste into WORD or EXCEL to create your own reports. Sample report and certificate included on the CD, that you can use or customise.Printouts include your company details, client details and site details on every page. see our website for screenshots and typical output report
Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista & XP
Please note that we now deliver the software electronically, shortly after your purchase you will receive an email with easy to follow instructions, to download and install your software immediately. We no longer post the software on CD, (unless you ask us to).
We will then post out a hard copy of your user manual and confirmation of your unique unlock code and software serial number. If you have ordered a serial data lead and/or USB serial adapter, this will be posted also.